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Molderia is a continent unlike any other in the world. It is a place where the pursuit of wealth is the highest virtue, and money reigns supreme over all other values. The continent is run by a powerful banking guild, made up mostly of goblins, who control the economy and government of the land with an iron fist.

The goblins of Molderia are a cunning and ruthless lot, with an almost preternatural ability to manipulate numbers and finance. They are responsible for the creation and management of the continent's currency, the Mold, which is used by all of the different races who call Molderia home.

Despite their small stature, the goblins of Molderia are able to maintain their dominance through sheer force of will and intelligence. They have built a vast network of banks and financial institutions that span the entire continent, and they use this power to control the flow of money and resources.

The other races of Molderia are forced to play by the goblins' rules if they want to survive and thrive in this harsh, capitalist world. Humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves all participate in the economy, but they do so under the watchful eye of the goblins. The goblins allow these other races to conduct business, but they take a significant cut of the profits and use their financial power to keep the other races in check.

Despite the goblins' dominance, the other races of Molderia have found ways to thrive in this system. Humans, in particular, have become expert traders and merchants, able to navigate the treacherous waters of the Molderian economy with skill and cunning. Elves and dwarves, meanwhile, have found success in specialized industries such as jewelry-making and metalworking.

Orcs, who are often thought of as brutish and violent, have also found their place in the Molderian economy. Many orcs have become mercenaries, selling their skills as soldiers to the highest bidder. While this may seem like a dangerous and unstable way to make a living, many orcs find that it offers them a level of freedom and independence that they cannot find elsewhere in Molderian society.

Despite the relative success of the other races, however, it is clear that the goblins hold all the cards in Molderia. They are the ones who control the economy, and they are the ones who make the rules. This has led to a great deal of inequality and suffering for many of the non-goblin inhabitants of the continent.

While the goblins enjoy lives of luxury and excess, many of the other races struggle just to get by. There is little in the way of social safety nets or welfare programs in Molderia, and those who fall on hard times are often left to fend for themselves. This has led to a great deal of resentment and anger among the non-goblin population, and there are rumblings of revolution and rebellion in some parts of the continent.

Despite these challenges, Molderia remains a fascinating and complex place. It is a land of great wealth and power, but also of great inequality and suffering. The goblins who run the continent are both admired and reviled, respected for their financial prowess but despised for their cruelty and greed.

For those who are able to navigate the treacherous waters of Molderia's economy, there is great opportunity and potential for success. But for those who cannot, life in this Financial Plutocracy can be brutal and unforgiving. It is a land of great contrasts and contradictions, where the pursuit of wealth is both celebrated and condemned, and where the power of money reigns supreme over all other values.