The Fall of the Nethrael

(2488 years ago = 1 AD)

*The council members sit around the circular table, discussing the recent disturbances in the land. King Alarion of the Human Tribes enters, followed by his Scholars of Azlant and representatives from the Orc, Vampire, and Dwarf tribes.

King Alarion: (addressing the council) My esteemed council members, today we gather to discuss the increasing chaos and disruption in our beloved Darkmoon Vale. The magic that once flowed freely from our land has grown weak, and our connection with nature has waned. A new magic blooms, seeming to form from the air itself.

Council Member 1: Your Majesty, the Scholar of Azlants have studied the Deucenium Impact and its effects on our land. They believe it to be the cause of our changing magic.

Scholar of Azlant 1: Indeed, your Majesty. The dispersion of Deucenium across the land has altered the very fabric of magic, replacing it with unique and unpredictable energies. Our studies indicate that the Nethrael, with their deep understanding of magic, might hold the key to restoring the balance.

Council Member 2: But what about the disappearance of our brethren, the Nethrael? Their absence has left a void in our society. We must uncover the truth behind their vanishing.

King Alarion: (nodding solemnly) Indeed, the Nethrael were once our greatest allies and guardians of Darkmoon Vale. Their disappearance remains a mystery, and we must find answers. I have summoned the Scholar of Azlants to shed light on this matter.

*Scholar of Azlant 2 steps forward, holding a scroll.

Scholar of Azlant 2: Your Majesty, we have delved into ancient texts and prophecies, seeking clues to the fate of the Nethrael. Our research has revealed a tale of great power and tragedy.

Council Member 3: Please, enlighten us. We must understand what befell our brethren.

Scholar of Azlant 2: According to the prophecies, the Nethrael's thirst for power led them to a forbidden ritual. They sought to tap into the very essence of the ley lines, to wield unmatched magical might. But in their arrogance, they awakened a malevolent force, a being of chaos and destruction.

Council Member 4: You speak of Chthulu, the Sleeper Beneath Waves.

Scholar of Azlant 2: Yes, Council Member. Chthulu, drawn by the Nethrael's summoning, brought forth chaos and madness upon their kingdom. The Nethrael, consumed by their own ambition, vanished, their existence erased from this realm.

King Alarion: (grief-stricken) My brethren... lost to the depths of chaos. We have paid a heavy price for our ambition.

Council Member 5: But what of Chthulu? Is he still a threat to our land?

Scholar of Azlant 2: Chthulu, the Sleeper Beneath Waves, has returned to his slumber, his presence no longer felt in Darkmoon Vale. However, the echoes of his power linger, corrupting the magic that flows through our veins.

King Alarion: Then we must find a way to restore the balance, to honor the memory of the Nethrael and protect our land from further devastation.

*As the council members ponder the fate of the Nethrael, a rumbling sound echoes through the hall. The ground trembles as Chthulu, the Sleeper Beneath Waves, emerges from the shadows. His form is immense, tentacles writhing and eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

Chthulu: (in a deep, booming voice) King Alarion, I have heard your pleas for answers. I have come to shed light on the fate of the Nethrael.

King Alarion: (kneeling before Chthulu) Great Sleeper Beneath Waves, we are honored by your presence. Please, tell us what has befallen our brethren.

Chthulu: (his voice reverberating through the hall) Long ago, the Nethrael possessed a deep connection with the ley lines that run through this land. They harnessed the power of the ley lines to weave their magic and maintain balance. But their power grew too great, and their ambitions led them to seek even greater dominion over the forces of magic. The Nethrael's insatiable hunger for power led them to tamper with forces they could not control. They delved too deep into the ley lines, awakening ancient and malevolent entities. In their arrogance, they awoke me, the Sleeper Beneath Waves, to aid them in their quest.

King Alarion: (realizing the consequences) They were blind to the consequences of their actions.

Chthulu: (his eyes glowing with an eerie intensity) The unleashed chaos consumed the Nethrael Kingdom. The Nethrael, consumed by their own ambition, vanished, their existence erased from this realm.

*Flashback (2489 years ago = 0 AD)

Nethrael High Priest stands before the Nethrael Council, holding a crystal staff.

Nethrael High Priest: (addressing the council) My brethren, I have discovered a way to tap into the very heart of the ley lines, to unlock unimaginable power. With this staff, we can reshape the world to our liking.

Council Member 3: But High Priest, such power comes at a great cost. We risk losing ourselves to darkness and chaos.

Nethrael High Priest: (with determination) The risk is worth it. We must seize this opportunity and secure our place as the most powerful beings in Darkmoon Vale.

Council Member 4: (hesitant) But Lord, we Nethrael have always been stewards of balance and harmony. This path we tread is dangerous. We must consider the consequences.

Nethrael High Priest: (dismissively) Consequences are for the weak-minded. We have the knowledge and the power to control the very essence of magic. We will not be bound by limitations any longer.

Council Member 5: (pleading) My Lord, I implore you to reconsider. The ley lines are a delicate network that connects all living beings. To tamper with them so recklessly could have dire consequences for Darkmoon Vale and its inhabitants.

Nethrael High Priest: (angered) Are you questioning my authority, Council Member? I am the Speaker of this Tribe, and it is my duty to lead our people to greatness. We will harness this power, and nothing will stand in our way.

Council Member 2: (whispering) The Nethrael... they sacrificed themselves for their thirst for power.

Chthulu: (his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and warning) Indeed, the Nethrael paid a heavy price for their ambition. Their souls are now eternally bound to the chaos they unleashed. They became one with the very darkness they sought to control.

King Alarion: (grief-stricken) My brethren... lost to the depths of chaos.

Council Member 3: (rising from their seat) King Alarion, we must learn from the mistakes of our kin. We must seek redemption and to restore balance to Darkmoon Vale.

Orc Representative: (standing alongside Council Member 3) We stand with you, King Alarion. Let us unite our tribes and work towards a future where the mistakes of the past are not repeated.

King Alarion: (rising with newfound determination) Yes, we shall honor the memory of the Nethrael by embracing harmony and respect for the forces of magic. Together, we shall rebuild Darkmoon Vale and ensure its future remains bright.

*The council members and representatives stand, united in their resolve to restore balance and honor the lost Nethrael.

*As Chthulu retreats back into the shadows, the council members and representatives begin to discuss their plans for the future. The room is filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination to honor the lost Nethrael and restore balance to their beloved land.

Dwarf Representative: King Alarion, our tribes have suffered as well. We have witnessed the consequences of unchecked ambition. Let us join forces and rebuild Darkmoon Vale, not as conquerors, but as caretakers of this sacred land.

King Alarion: (rising with newfound determination) Yes, we shall honor the memory of the Nethrael by embracing harmony and respect for the forces of magic. Together, we shall rebuild Darkmoon Vale and ensure its future remains bright. We shall learn from the mistakes of the past and strive to restore balance.

*The council members and representatives stand, united in their resolve to restore balance and honor the lost Nethrael.

Council Member 3: (voice filled with determination) Let us gather our forces and embark on this quest for redemption. We owe it to our fallen brethren and the future of Darkmoon Vale.

Dwarf Representative: (nodding) We stand with you, King Alarion. Let us unite our tribes and work towards a future where the mistakes of the past are not repeated.

Vampire Representative: (speaking in hushed tones) We must ensure that the echo of this tale never leaves these ancient walls. The secrets of the beyond must be safeguarded with utmost vigilance. Let us form a council, seven in count, drawn from those amongst us with the power to sway the fate of the world. Our outward purpose will be to maintain equilibrium, ensuring that no one faction ascends to a position of overwhelming power. Yet, beneath this veneer, our true mission must remain clandestine; our duty is to subtly guide the course of the world, shielding it from invoking the wrath of the Old Gods once more.

*The council members and representatives, their hearts now filled with determination, join hands in a symbolic gesture of unity and solidarity. They vow to restore the balance of Darkmoon Vale, to honor the Nethrael's memory, and to ensure that their legacy lives on.