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Basilius Silverwarden

Basilius Silverwarden

Basilius Silverwarden, a dragonborn paladin of balance, is sworn to protect the sacred lore within the Boundless Archive hidden beneath Jorgenvault. Tasked with navigating the ever-shifting magical barriers and perilous passages within the Crypt of Embers, Basilius forged a bond with Yorick Bladewraith, the troubled human warlock. Tasked with keeping vital knowledge out of the hands of nefarious forces, Basilius vigilantly guards the Archive's secrets from adventurers seeking to weaponize the ancient magics for their own ends.

TAGS:dragonborn paladin|Boundless Archive|Jorgenvault|Crypt of Embers|Yorick Bladewraith|human warlock|Solarium of Whispers|knowledge protection|ancient magics|nefarious forces