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Faelwyn Brightspire

Faelwyn Brightspire

Faelwyn Brightspire is a tiefling sorcerer trained in elemental magic and a key member of the Veils Edge monastery. Born to noble parents residing in HIELCIOFNONA, Faelwyn was ostracized due to her infernal heritage but found solace under the guidance of Torstin the Thunderhewn, a dwarf cleric of the Order of Balance. Seeking the ethereal wisdom of the spirits inhabiting the Phantoms Rest, Faelwyn gained mastery over the arcane runes within the Nethrael circles.

TAGS:Faelwyn Brightspire | tiefling | sorcerer | elemental magic | Veil's Edge monastery | Hielciofnona | Torstin the Thunderhewn | Order of Balance | Phantom's Rest | Nethrael circles