
Settlement Name: Targallene Population: 68350

Size: The city of Targallene covers an area of approximately 1126 acres, with a total population of 68 thousand people.

Trade Number
Bakers 52
Barbers 268
Bathers 37
Beer-sellers 56
Blacksmiths 48
Bleachers 17
Bookbinders 22
Booksellers 8
Buckle Makers 36
Butchers 76
Carpenters 65
Chandlers 127
Chicken Butchers 100
Coopers 45
Copyists 51
Cutlers 44
Doctors 31
Fishmongers 88
Furriers 112
Glovemakers 24
Harness-makers 14
Hatmakers 32
Hay Merchants 35
Illuminators 15
Inns 47
Jewelers 262
Locksmiths 43
Magic Shops 20
Maidservants 196
Masons 195
Mercers 46
Old Clothes 89
Painters 38
Pastrycooks 149
Plasterers 63
Pursemakers 54
Roofers 53
Ropemakers 16
Rugmakers 43
Saddlers 96
Scabbardmakers 101
Sculptors 17
Shoemakers 339
Spice Merchants 26
Tailors 193
Tanners 48
Taverns 72
Watercarriers 82
Weavers 166
Wine-sellers 80
Woodcarvers 11
Woodsellers 14

Other: The city has 332 noble houses. The peace is kept by 350 guardsmen, and there are 95 advocates to assist with legal matters. For those more concerned about their soul, there are 1716 clergymen and 75 priests.